Art Journal: Six Sides, Six Values

Jan. 5 2020

The 6 Basic Sides pg:48

6 Value Method pg:55

Pen & Ink Drawing by Alphonso Dunn

Image Description:

Sketchbook page with ink drawings copied from the book Pen & Ink Drawing by Alphonso Dunn. (We learn by copying!) A three dimensional yellow cube serves as a guide to draw an orange cylinder within the cube and divide the rounded form into six sides - top, bottom, front, back, side, side. 

The yellow cylinder is then used as a guide to draw the shape of a grey coffee cup within it. Basic shapes like cubes and cylinders serve as building blocks to draw more complex objects.

Shading rounded forms can be simplified by using a 6 value method as depicted by a row of 6 squares shaded from dark to light.

The white square represents the brightest spot (highlight) on an object. The black square represents the darkest spot - usually the shadow an object casts and where the form starts to curve away from the light source. An arc with cast shadow is drawn and shaded to demonstrate this technique.