Affirm Black Women Portrait Series: Stella Jones

“Collecting art is a joyful and communal experience and living with art that reflects our heritage and our stories is essential to a well lived life.” - Stella Jones (2019, Watercolor and ink on paper, 8.75” x 12”, by Lydia Makepeace)

“Collecting art is a joyful and communal experience and living with art that reflects our heritage and our stories is essential to a well lived life.” - Stella Jones

Stella Jones is the owner of the Stella Jones Gallery in New Orleans, Louisiana and is known as “THE place for fine Black Art”. Ms. Jones grew up in Houston the daughter of sharecroppers and first gained a pharmacy degree before going on to become an OB-GYN at New Orleans old Charity Hospital. While there it was not unusual for her to deliver 30 babies in a day, counted by the number of times she had rolled up the cuffs of her scrubs having no time to change between births. The pace never slowed after opening her own clinic serving marginalized communities. After an especially heart breaking day she packed up her degrees and opened the Stella Jones Gallery a year later. Ms. Jones love of art collecting began years before as a way to surround her children with art that reflected who they are. It grew to the point that neighborhood children came to her home to see themselves and their heritage represented. The Stella Jones Gallery continues this legacy by dedicating itself to representing artists of the African Diaspora. 🙌🏾🙌🏿🙌🏽

View the complete Affirm Black Women portrait series here