Art Journal: A Few of My Favorite Things

Watercolor and ink illustration of a yellow-green phone case with F*CK U CHAD printed on it. Next to it sits a mug with a rainbow heart on it and the caption This Could Be Paint Water.

A few of my favorite things


Some gifts from a few of my favorite people - a phone case and a mug that may or may not be inspired by true events.

I customized the phone case to daily remind myself that my brain houses an asshole. This asshole’s name is Chad and he takes up so much space inside my head he should be paying rent. (Thank you Demi Lovato for that apt lyric.)

Chad is an arrogant know-nothing bully. This dude will harass me in my most vulnerable moments. He tells me I’m a terrible human being, an untalented fake, a burden, lazy, that I’m unworthy of love and kindness. (Project much Chad?!)


Photo of Chad. He’s a young white dude with blond hair and long bangs that are comically swooped up in a way that defies gravity. He is an asshole. *Obligatory #NotAllChads

Photo of Chad. He’s a young white dude with blond hair and long bangs that are comically swooped up in a way that defies gravity. He is an asshole. *Obligatory #NotAllChads