Dark Humor & Accidental Parenthood

Dark Humor

A dear friend shared a video she created about common Bipolar jokes and sayings. This is a topic I can personally relate to as a person living with Bipolar Disorder. 

The Appalling State of Our Mental Health System

On Last Week Tonight, my favorite satirical news show, John Oliver "explains how our national system of treating mental health works, or more often than not, how it doesn’t".

Ambitious Women

I really enjoyed a recent article in TIME magazine about the way we view ambitious women and how women vs men define ambition. 

Why Ambition Isn’t Working for Women

Marriage Equality

This documentary about the case to overturn California’s ban on same-sex marriage moved me to tears. The case went on to play a pivotal role in this summer’s Supreme Court ruling to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

The Case Against 8

The Accidental Gay Parents

Get ready for another tear jerker! This powerful story featured on the podcast The Longest Shortest Time details the unusual path to parenthood for one gay couple.

EPISODE #60: The Accidental Gay Parents